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Stock market is down and it is fluctuating. Many investors have questions on their mind is that “is it right time to invest in mutual funds”,  “is it right time to invest in mutual funds now”, “is it right time to invest lump sum in mutual funds”,  “should I invest in mutual funds when market is down” and “is it ...

Senior citizens and retired employees deposits their money in Fixed deposits for their survival.  Now SBI has reducted the fixed deposits interest rate drastically.  SBI FD gives 5.7% per annum and 10% TDS would be deducted from the earning.  Take a consideration of 4% inflation rates and 10% deduction, it would be worst option to keep the money.  Retired employees ...

Mutual funds has 2 option to invest, lump sum and SIP mode. SIP mode offers you to invest monthly fixed amount in your selected mutual funds.  SIPs are a psychological tool of discipline.  By nature, investors are tempted to invest more when the market is racing and stop investing altogether when it is falling.  SIPs automate the entire investment process ...

A Women’s best protection is a little money of her own – Clare Boothe Lure (American Author)   Way to become Rich – Power Of Compounding Do you know 15 * 15 * 15 = 1,00,00,000 (One Crore)     ...