Equity-oriented mutual funds could be an important part of your portfolio, if you are looking to build wealth for the long term. They help in beating inflation and can help you achieve your goals provided you are ready to assume some risk and earn market-linked returns. Within the equity-oriented category, there are various sub-categories of mutual funds. Amongst them are ...
Investment and personal finance is important in wealth creation. The simple rule of investment is that it should beat inflation. Today one liter milk is 50 rupees and it would be 100 rupees in 2030. Your 50 rupees investment should provide 100 rupees as return after paying tax. That is called investment. Insurance, fixed deposit and post office return will ...
The Great warren Buffet always supports the index funds. He said “I have [a few] very short lessons for perhaps the new investors”. Buffett warned against investing in individual stocks, as “I do not think the average person can pick stocks. Many companies were in blue-chip earlier, now reached their blue-chip status. So picking the right stock is complex for ...
In India, there are lot of financial advice and tips available. It is really confusing and hard to follow. Scott Adams makes it simple for corporates employees. Corporate employees can follow simple investment advice for better tax saving and long term wealth creation. Here is Your one page financial plan. 87 words personal finance by Scott Adams. Make a will.Pay ...